Microsoft Tag Recognition

Microsoft Tag

'Digital Eyes' will use Microsoft Tags to help generate a navigation system for the user. The user simply needs to use the Windows Phone's camera to scan the Microsoft Tag, then the application will use the internet to download the data associated with the tag. This data will help guide the user to their destination.

We chose to use Microsoft Tags because of their convenience. The tags themselves are free and you can create any tags that you want. The tags appearance can also vary greatly according to the user's desires. This should help keep them from taking away from the aesthetics of the building that they are used in.

The tags will be attached the building at standard locations. The exact location has not been determined yet, more research is in progress to determine the easiest location for the visually disabled to scan the tags easily. It is likely that the tags will be placed at a standard height and standard distance from every tagged entryway, similarly to the general standard in the placement of braile tags inside of a building.

Using the tags will be an improvement on the current taggings system of Braile because our application will take the tags and translate them into a set of vocal directions for the user. Not only will the user know where they are via the tags, the same information they might have been able to get from Braile, the user will also be directed to their location.